List of publications
Peer-reviewed publications
- Runhaar, H., Pröbstl, F., Heim, F., Santos, E.C., Claudet, J., Dik, L., de Queiroz-Stein, G., Zolyomi, A. and Zinngrebe, Y., (2024). Mainstreaming biodiversity targets into sectoral policies and plans: A review from a Biodiversity Policy Integration perspective. Earth System Governance, 20, 100209 doi/URL
- King, S., Agra, R., Zolyomi, A., Kieth, H., Nicholson, E., DeLamo, J., Rodriguez, R. P., Honza k, M., Obst, M. A., Valbuena, R., Dias Nunes, P. L., Santos-Martin, F., Maqueo, O., Equihua, M., Alfieri, A., Javorsek, M. and Brown, C. (2024). Using the system of environmental-economic accounts ecosystem accounting for policy: A case study on forest ecosystems. Environmental Science & Policy, 152, 103653 doi/URL
- Kelemen, E., Subramanian, S. M., De Vos, A., Amaruzaman, S., Porter-Bolland, L., Islar, M., ... & Zolyomi, A. (2023). Signposts on the road toward transformative governance: how a stronger focus on diverse values can enhance environmental policies. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 64, 101351 doi/URL
- Zolyomi, A., Franklin, A., Smith, B., & Soliev, I. (2023). Ecosystem services as the silver bullet? A systematic review of how ecosystem services assessments impact biodiversity prioritisation in policy. Earth System Governance, 16, 100178 doi/URL
Book chapters
- Contributing author in: Kelemen, E., Subramanian, S., Nakangu, B., Islar, M., Kosmus, M., Nuesiri, E., Porter-Bolland, L., De Vos, A., Amaruzaman S., Yiu E., and Arroyo-Robles, G. (2022). Chapter 6: Policy options and capacity development to operationalize the inclusion of diverse values of nature in decision-making. In: Methodological Assessment Report on the Diverse Values and Valuation of Nature of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Balvanera, P., Pascual, U., Christie, M., Baptiste, B., and Gonza lez-Jime nez, D. (eds). IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany doi/URL
- Zolyomi, A. (2022). How to Make Policy-Makers Care about “Wicked Problems” such as Biodiversity Loss? — The Case of a Policy Campaign. In Co-Creativity and Engaged Scholarship (Ed.: Franklin, A.) doi/URL
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