Dr. Sven Grüner

Senior Researcher on Behavioural Experiments
SLEG Lab Associate Director
Tel.: +49 345 55 24085
Email: sven.gruener[at]zirs.uni-halle.de
Office: Reichardtstr. 6, 06114 Halle (Saale) Room 01.0
Research focus
- Behavioural experiments and their external validty
- Indirect drivers of biodiversity loss
- Perceptions, nudges, multiple crises
- Agriculture, food policy, farmers
Academic services and networks
- The Replication Network
- Economic Science Association
Research projects
- Horizon Europe PLANET4B: understanding Plural values, intersectionality, Leverage points, Attitudes, Norms, behaviour and social lEarning in Transformation for Biodiversity decision making
- iDiv Flexpool PrioDiv: Prioritising biodiversity in decision-making: understanding information processing in the context of multiple crises and dynamic data using experiments and text analysis