Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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List of publications

Contributions to collective works

  • Gruener, S. Angelova, D. (2024): Climate activism. Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Springer Nature (in print)
  • Wirth, C., Bruelheide, H., Farwig, N., Settele, J. et al. (2024): Faktencheck Artenvielfalt: Assessment zum Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt Deutschlands Zusammenfassung für die politische und gesellschaftliche Entscheidungsfindung (In print).
  • Lakner, S., Grüner, S., Sommer, P., Hasenöhrl,U., Turk, Z., Böhner, H., Klauer, B., Koch, M., Meyer-Jürshof, M., Mupepele, A., Mascarenhas, A., Klein, A., Paul, C., Jansen, F., Mehring, M. (2024): Kapitel 8: Indirekte Treiber der Biodiversitätsentwicklung. In: Faktencheck Artenvielfalt, 1031-1101, Oekom-Verlag (In print).
  • Völker, R., Gruener, S. (2023): Animal Protection and Information Avoidance. In: C. Sunstein & L. Reisch (Eds.) Research Handbook on Nudges and Society, 109-128, Edward Elgar.
  • Gruener, S. (2022): Fake news. In: Marciano, A., Ramello, G.B. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. Springer, New York.
  • Gruener, S., Hirschauer, N. (2019): Economics of crime, different paradigms. In: Marciano, A., Ramello, G.B. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. Springer, New York.

Published books

Contributions to Crowd-Sourced Research Projects

Peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals

  • Gruener, S. (2024): Determinants of Gullibility to Misinformation: A Study of Climate Change, COVID-19 and Artificial Intelligence: Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics 36(1): 58-78.
  • Grüner, S., Hirschauer, N. (2023): Experienced survey participants, biased responses? – The example of cognitive reflection. Applied Economics Letters 30(19): 2797-2802.
  • Pilarova, T., Bavorova, M., Vokáčová, L., Gruener, S. (2023): Meal preparation behaviour and obesity: time spent cooking in the Czech Republic. British Food Journal 125(3): 848-868.
  • Abdalla, N.R., Bavorova, M., Grüner, S. (2023): Meat Consumption in Transition: The Case of Crisis Region of Iraqi Kurdistan. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 35(1): 45-65.
  • Grüner, S., Lehberger, M., Mußhoff, O., Hirschauer, N. (2022): How (un-)informative are experiments with students for other social groups? – A study of agricultural students and farmers. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 66(3): 471-504.
  • Gruener, S. (2022): Rethinking How Risk Aversion and Impatience Are Linked with Cognitive Ability: Experimental Findings from Agricultural Students and Farmers. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 11(3): 248-259.
  • Grüner, S., Khassine, I. (2022): Is there a link between endowment inequality and deception? – an analysis of students and chess players. PLoS ONE 17(1): e0262144.
  • Lehberger, M., Grüner, S. (2021): Consumers’ willingness to pay for plants protected by beneficial insects—Evidence from two stated-choice experiments with different subject pools. Food Policy 102: 102100.   
  • Gruener, S. (2021): Identifying and debunking environmental-related false news stories—An experimental study. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 4: 265-286.
  • Grüner, S., Krüger, F. (2021): Infodemics: Do healthcare professionals detect corona-related false news stories better than students? Plos ONE 16(3): e0247517.   nal.pone.0247517
  • Hirschauer, N., Gruener, S., Mußhoff, O., Becker, C. (2021): A Primer on p-Value Thresholds and α-Levels – Two Different Kettles of Fish. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 70(2): 123-133.
  • Sümer, Ö., Bozkir, E., Kübler, T., Grüner, S., Utz, S., Kasneci, E. (2021): FakeNewsPerception: An eye movement dataset on the perceived believability of news stories. Data in Brief 35: 106909.
  • Grüner, S., Krüger, F. (2021): The intention to be vaccinated against COVID-19: stated preferences before vaccines were available. Applied Economics Letters 28(21): 1847-1851.
  • Grüner, S. (2020): Sample Size Calculation in Economic Experiments. Journal of Economics and Statistics 240(6): 791-823.
  • Hirschauer, N., Gruener, S., Mußhoff, O., Becker, C., Jantsch, A. (2020): Can p-values be meaningfully interpreted without random sampling? Statistics Surveys 14: 71-91.
  • Hirschauer, N., Grüner, S., Mußhoff, O., Becker, C. (2020): Inference in economic experiments. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal 14(2020-7): 1-14.
  • Hirschauer, N., Grüner, S., Mußhoff, O., Becker, C. (2019): Twenty steps towards an adequate inferential interpretation of p-values in econometrics. Journal of Economics and Statistics 239(4):703-721.
  • Hirschauer, N., Grüner, S., Musshoff, O., Becker, C. (2018): Pitfalls of significance testing and p-value variability: An econometrics perspective. Statistics Surveys 12: 136-172.
  • Fietz, A., Bavorova, M., Gruener, S., Hirschauer, N. (2018): The Impact of Economic and “Protective” Factors on Compliance of Food Businesses with Food Safety Laws in Germany. Law & Policy 40(3): 267-285.
  • Mußhoff, O., Hirschauer, N. Grüner, S., Pielsticker, S. (2018): Bounded rationality and the adoption of weather index insurance: Evidence from an extra-laboratory experiment with farmers in Germany. Agricultural Finance Review 78(1): 116-134.
  • Grüner, S. (2017): Correlates of Multiple Switching in the Holt and Laury Procedure. Economics Bulletin 37(1): A26.
  • Fietz, A., Grüner, S. (2017): Transparency systems: do businesses in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) regret the cancellation of the Smiley scheme? Agricultural and Food Economics 5(1): 1-10.
  • Gruener, S., Hirschauer, N. (2016): An experimental investigation of mental accounting in environmental economics. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 12(1):18-26.
  • Grüner, S., Hirschauer, N., Mußhoff, O. (2016): The potential of different experimental designs for policy impact assessment. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 65(3): 159-170.
  • Hirschauer, N., Mußhoff, O., Grüner, S., Frey, U., Theesfeld, I., Wagner, P. (2016): Die Interpretation des p-Wertes – Grundsätzliche Missverständnisse. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 236(5): 557-575.
  • Hirschauer, N., Mußhoff, O., Grüner, S., Frey, U., Theesfeld, I., Wagner, P. (2016): Inferential misconceptions and replication crisis. Journal of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Public Health 13(4): e12066-1 - e12066-16.
  • Gruener, S. (2015): Interventions in different disciplines – a comparison of clinical drug trials and economic experiments. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research 15(5): 739-743.
  • Grüner, S., Fietz, A., Jantsch, A. (2015): Float like a butterfly, decide like a bee. Journal of Bioeconomics 17(3): 243-254.
  • Mußhoff, O., Grüner, S., Hirschauer, N. (2014): Muss man begrenzte Rationalität und heuristisches Entscheiden bei der Erklärung für die Verbreitung von Wetterindexversicherungen in der Landwirtschaft berücksichtigen? – Eine Untersuchung auf der Basis eines extra-laboratory Experiments. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 63(2): 67-80.
  • Hirschauer, N., Musshoff, O., Maart-Noelck, S.C., Gruener, S. (2014): Eliciting risk attitudes – how to avoid mean and variance bias in Holt-and-Laury lotteries. Applied Economics Letters 21(1): 35-38.

Science communication

  • Hirschauer, N., Grüner, S., Mußhoff, O. (2022): Statistisch signifikant bzw. nicht signifikant. Warum die Reform der statistischen Berichtspraxis nicht vorankommt. Forschung & Lehre 10/22: 794-796.
  • Hirschauer, N., Grüner, S., Mußhoff, O. (2022): Fundamentals of Statistical Inference: What is the Meaning of Random Error? The Replication Network   .
  • Hirschauer, N., Gruener, S., Mußhoff, O., Becker, C., Jantsch, A. (2022): Response to the Letter by Roderick Little. Significance 19(3): 46. DOI: 10.1111/1740-9713.01657   
  • Hirschauer, N., Grüner, S., Mußhoff, O., Becker, C., Jantsch, A. (2021): Inference using non-random samples? Stop right there! Significance 18: 20-24.
  • Lehberger M., Grüner S. (2020): Wie erfolgreich lässt sich der Nützlingseinsatz vermarkten?   . DEGA Gartenbau (2): 12.
  • Hirschauer, N., Grüner, S., Mußhoff, O., Becker, C. (2019): Twenty steps towards an adequate inferential interpretation of p-values in econometrics. Guest Blog for „The Replication Network“    (posted on 22nd March 2019).
