Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ilkhom Soliev
Head of the Department for Environmental Sociology
Director of the SLEG Lab
Visiting address:
Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 26-27
Office: E.14.0
06108 Halle (Saale)
Tel.: +49 345 55 24177; 24249
Email: ilkhom.soliev[at]soziologie.uni-halle.de
Research focus
- Environmental social sciences, resource governance, institutional economics
- Path dependence and transformations towards equitability and sustainability
- Values, behavior, norms in relation to nature, biodiversity, climate, forests, transboundary waters, groundwater
- Commons, property rights, collective action
- Institutional-discourse analysis, experimental surveys, experiential behavioral games for sustainability
- Rights and values of nature
Academic services and networks
- Full member of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
- Regional Co-Coordination at the International Association for the Study of the Commons
- Earth System Governance Research Fellow – Taskforce on the Governance of Nature and Biodiversity
- Visiting Scholar at the Center for Behavior, Institutions and the Environment, Arizona State University
- Policy and governance expert at the OSCE Capacity Building of Young Researchers from Central Asia and Afghanistan in Water Policy Studies
- Founding member of the Interdisciplinary Network on the Study of the Rights of Nature
Research projects
- PI, Lead: iDiv flexpool PrioDiv: Prioritising biodiversity in decision-making: understanding information processing in the context of multiple crises and dynamic data using experiments and text analysis
- PI, Co-Lead: Horizon Europe DAISY: DigitAl, technologIcal and Social innovation mixes enabling transformation for biodiversity and equitY
- PI, Lead: Horizon Europe PLANET4B: understanding Plural values, intersectionality, Leverage points, Attitudes, Norms, behaviour and social lEarning in Transformation for Biodiversity decision making
- Co-PI: TU-NEXUS: Integrating water balance and energy system models for improved benefit sharing in transboundary river basins (TU-NEXUS)
- Contributor: TransformERS: COST Action - European Cooperation in Science and Technology, CA22156 - Transformations international Experience and Research network for Sustainable futures
- Doctoral Advisor: The Connected Waters Leverhulme Doctoral Programme: The evolving interactions between human agency and freshwater ecosystems
- PI, Co-Lead: The future of the Rights of Nature: an interdisciplinary scoping analysis (Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom)
- Co-PI: Scaling up experiential learning tools for sustainable water governance in India
- Co-PI: SUSADICA: Sustainable Agricultural Development in Central Asia
- PI, Lead: Tailoring benefit sharing for sustainability of global environmental commons
- PI, Lead: Benefit sharing in transboundary water governance