Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


Poster "Quantifiying the Traffic Turn"
Poster Urban Transitions 2022.pdf (1,9 MB)  vom 14.11.2022


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BioDivFund: Biodiversität und Gesundheit

Everyday physical activities and sociability play a positive or even a protective role for health. On the one hand, the literature shows that everyday physical activities are often performed in groups, which is why they contribute to the development and continuation of social relationships between actors. On the other hand, the literature highlights that daily physical activities and sociability are considered factors that, separately or in combination, have a positive effect on the health status of the actors involved or contribute to maintaining or improving the health of these actors. To date, there is a lack of literature on how the actors’ natural environment influences this association. The aim of this project is to study this nexus both theoretically and empirically, combining different perspectives in an interdisciplinary collaboration between social scientists, biologists, geographers, and medical health researchers. As a novel indicator of the state of the natural environment, we aim to link external data on biodiversity to the 16 German study regions contained in the NAKO dataset. We then intend to study, on a regional comparative basis, how biodiversity relates to daily physical activity and sociability, and how this in turn impacts different dimensions of health of respondents in these municipalities.

November 2022Poster "Quantifying the Traffic Turn. How efficient is the bicycle path network compared to the total street network? A new measurement" at Urban Transitions 2022, Sitges, Spain
September 2022Talk "Green Spaces and Physical Activity" at workshop "Environmental Inequality in Europe and Beyond: Current Data and Results" at TU Kaiserslautern, Germany

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