Prof. Dr. Reinhold Sackmann
phone: 0345 55 24252
fax: 0345 55 27150
room E.46.0
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Institut für Soziologie
Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 26–27
06108 Halle (Saale)
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postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
06099 Halle (Saale)
phone: +49 345 55 24251
fax: +49 345 - 55 - 271 50
Frau Anna Tihonova
06099 Halle (Saale)
Professor Reinhold Sackmann
Short CV
- Holder of the Chair for Sociology with an Emphasis on Social Structure Analysis of Modern Societies since 2004
- Social science studies at the University of Bremen, doctorate (Dr. rer.pol.) and habilitation. Visiting professor in Saarbrücken and the Free University of Berlin
- Project leader etc. in the collaborative research centres 186 (Status Passages and Risks in the Life Course), 597 (Transformations of the State), 580 (Social Developments after Structural Change)
- Chairman of the Research Institute Social Cohesion, Halle, 2019-2023
Academic Roles
- Research coordinator of the Centre for Social Research Halle e.V. (zsh)
- Reviewer for the German Research Foundation, the Swiss National Science Foundation, VolkswagenFoundation, the National Ministry of Education and Research, Federal Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research (NRW), Research Network on Old-Age Provision, DAAD, German Academic Scholarship Foundation, ZEvA and AQAS
- Reviewer for the European Sociological Review; Sociological Methods and Research; Globalisation, Societies and Education; Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie; Zeitschrift für Soziologie; Soziale Probleme; Industrielle Beziehungen; Zeitschrift für Familienforschung; Zeitschrift für Sozialisations- und Erziehungsforschung; Springer Science + Business Media Netherlands, Social Science Books; Columbia University Press
- Member of the Senate of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Five Most-Recent Publications
- Sackmann, Reinhold/Dirksmeier, Peter/Rees, Jonas/Vogel, Berthold (Hg.)(2024): Sozialer Zusammenhalt vor Ort. Frankfurt/M.: Campus.
- Sackmann, Reinhold (2022): Demographics, Generational Transitions: Discourse and Generational Politics. In: Larres, Klaus/Moroff, Holger/Wittlinger, Ruth (Hg.): Oxford Handbook of German Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. S. 367-380.
- Winkler, Oliver/Sackmann, Reinhold (2020): Degrees of “Eliteness” in Higher-Education Systems: A comparison between Germany and France. In: Higher Education Quarterly 74 (4): 353-372. [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/hequ.12269]
- Sackmann, Reinhold (2017): Democracy, Totalitarianism, and Dead Ends in Sociology. In: Serendipities 1 (2): 158-177. [http://unipub.uni-graz.at/serendipities/periodical/titleinfo/1744054]
- Bartl, Walter/Sackmann, Reinhold (2016): Indicators and Responsiveness to Population Decline: School Closures as Practice and Discourse. In: Comparative Population Studies 41: 321-357.
- Sackmann, Reinhold/Bartl, Walter/Jonda, Bernadette/Kopycka, Katarzyna/Rademacher, Christian (2015): Coping with Demographic Change: A Comparative View on Education and Local Government in Germany and Poland. Cham: Springer.
An extensive list of publications is available as a PDF
(277.2 KB) vom 07.10.2024
Current Courses: WS 2024/25
- Lecture and Tutorial: Introduction Social Structure
- Seminar: Formation of World Society
- Project: Life Course in Elementary School