Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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Project details

TransformERS: COST Action - European Cooperation in Science and Technology, CA22156 - Transformations international Experience and Research network for Sustainable futures

  • Action chair: Julia Leventon, CzechGlobe
  • Researchers: Agnes Zolyomi, Ilkhom Soliev
  • Duration: 2023 - 2027

Keywords: sustainability, climate change, biodiversity loss, equity, transitions

About the project

The overarching aim of TransformERS is to inform research, policy and practice for transformations that deliver justice in a changing global context by bringing together and positioning research relevant to societal transformation. Such societal transformations are cited as highly necessary to avoid catastrophic climate change and biodiversity loss, and are called for in the IPCC and IPBES frameworks, as well as the European Green Deal. However, current research into transformations is highly fragmented. Pieces of relevant knowledge are held by policy-makers, practitioners, and researchers, from within a range of contexts, disciplines, projects and perspectives, both within and outside of the sustainability research community. There is a need to put these separate pieces together to 1) identify what transformation-relevant knowledge is held and by whom 2) understand how the different pieces fit together; 3) understand what the big picture is  – what we know about transformations collectively; and 4) identify the missing pieces – understand what we still need to create knowledge on. TransformERS creates a networking infrastructure to meet these 4 needs with objectives to 1) inform transformation policy; 2) shape transformations research and practice; 3) train transformations researchers from across broad disciplines and topics.

Further information is available here   .

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