Degree Programmes
Current accredited Bachelor’s Degree Programmes
Bei den BA-Studiengängen werden folgende Studienprogramme angeboten:
- Soziologie 60 Leistungspunkte
- Soziologie 90 Leistungspunkte
- Soziologie 120 Leistungspunkte
- Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie 180 Leistungspunkte
Soziologie 60 Leistungspunkte
Soziologie 90 Leistungspunkte
Soziologie 120 Leistungspunkte
Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie 180 Leistungspunkte
Current accredited Master’s Degree Programmes
The following master’s programmes are offered:
- Sociology 120 credit points
- Sociology 45/75 credit points
Both master’s programmes offer two areas of specialisation:
A specialisation in Education, Life Course and
Higher Education (BLH), and a specialisation in
Culture, Economy and Innovation (KUWI). Master’s
students choose one of the two specialisations on offer.
During the master’s programme students can switch from BLH
to KUWI or from KUWI to BLH. Further details can be found
in the overviews of the degree programmes and the module
Sociology 120 credit points - Degree
programme - http://www2.soziologie.uni-}
{Module handbook }{Modulhandbuch}
Sociology 45/75 credit points - Degree
programme - http://www2.soziologie.uni-}
{Module handbook}{Modulhandbuch}
The corresponding Study and Examination
Regulations can be found
on the website of the Examination Board of the Faculty of
Philosophy I.
AeqivTabellen Soziologie_BA & MA.pdf
(498.5 KB) vom 09.11.2021
PhD and Habilitation
Students also have the opportunity to do a PhD or habilitation at the Institute of Sociology. PhD Enrolment and PhD Regulations are organised by the Faculty of Philosophy I. The Habilitation Regulations can also be downloaded from the webpage of the Faculty of Philosophy I.
Durchführungsbestimmungen für kumulative Dissertationen
(79.1 KB) vom 13.10.2022