Newsarchiv: News
Jahr 2024
28.10.2024: EDIREG will participate at the 12th GEBF Conference at the University of Mannheim between the 27th of January to the 29th of January 2025. Hannah Glinka presents `"Vielleicht muss ich einen anderen Weg finden." Berufliche Orientierung junger Geflüchteter nach Ankunft in Deutschland`. Oliver WInkler and Franziska Meyer are part of the symposium "Berufsorientierung und Übergänge in berufliche Ausbildung von geflüchteten Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen". Titles of their presentations are "Integration junger Geflüchteter in die berufliche Ausbildung: Wie zielführend sind berufsbezogene Fördermaßnahmen in Deutschland?" (Meyer) and "Entwicklung beruflicher Aspirationen von geflüchteten Schüler:innen nach Klasse 7 und 8" (Winkler & Busse).
EDIREG at the IAB workshop in Nuremberg
22.08.2024: Franziska Meyer will give a presentation entitled “Gendered Pathways: Exploring Inequalities in Young Refugee`s Transition to VET in Germany” at the IAB workshop “Training, Education and the Labor Market” on 17.10.2024 in Nuremberg.
EDIREG at the 5th conference of the refugee research network
01.07.2024: The EDIREG project will be represented at the 5th conference of the Refugee Research Network from 16.08.-18.08.2024 in Bonn. Together with Julian Seuring and Gisela Will, Melanie Olczyk will give the presentation: "Spatial inequalities in the context of school enrollment of children with a refugee background". Oliver Winkler is organizing the panel entitled "Spatial inequalities in the educational participation of refugee adolescents and young adults" together with Gisela Will.
EDIREG at the opening of the new premises of the youth employment agency in Kaiserslautern
01.07.2024: As part of the opening ceremony of the Youth Employment Agency of the City of Kaiserslautern, Franziska Meyer will give a lecture on 12.7.2024 entitled "Transitions of young refugees into vocational training", in which previous studies from the EDIREG project will be presented.
EDIREG at 16th ESA Conference
01.04.2024: Hannah Glinka will give a lecture at the 16th Conference of the ESA (European Sociological Association) from 27.08-30.08.2024 in Porto (Portugal) entitled: "Everything is constantly changing and that is constant.": Career orientations of young refugees in Germany over time.
EDIREG at SOEP2024 - 15th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conferenc
11.03.2024: Franziska Meyer is represented at the 15th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (SOEP2024) with the presentation "Integrating young refugees into VET: Do German active labor market programs make a difference?". The conference will take place from July 4 to July 5, 2024 in Berlin at the BBAW.
Press release: Study on teacher assessments and performance development: Are boys better at math than girls?
05.03.2024: Link to the press release:
Article by Hannah Glinka and Oliver Winkler accepted in the KZfSS
01.03.2024: The article examines the mathematical and scientific competencies of immigrant adolescents.
Glinka, Hannah, Oliver Winkler (2024): Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenzen zugewanderter Heranwachsender mit und ohne Fluchtbiographie: Welche Rolle spielt die sozioökonomische und ethno-linguale Schulklassenkomposition? Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. Vol. 1 (1). DOI: 10.1007/s11577-024-00938-2 [accepted]
EDIREG at the AG-BFN conference
01.02.2024: Hannah Glinka and Oliver Winkler will give the presentation "Cooling-out, Holding-Steady, Warming-up? A mixed-methods study on career aspirations of young refugees over time" at the AG-BFN conference (25.04.2024).
Jahr 2023
Guest lecture at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)
01.12.2023: Oliver Winkler has been invited to give a guest lecture at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn on 22.02.24 on "Vocational training aspirations and transitions into vocational training for young refugees. Results from the EDIREG project".
01.12.2023: Franziska Meyer and Oliver Winkler will be giving presentations at the GEBF 2024 at the University of Potsdam in the symposium "Refugee adolescents and young adults - what factors influence the decision to take up vocational training and this educational path?". The titles of the presentations are "Transitions of refugee women into vocational training: An empirical analysis of the challenges and conditions for success" (Meyer) and "Should I do an apprenticeship?" Decision-making calculations for vocational training among refugee students" (Winkler). Melanie Olczyk and Hannah Glinka have also been accepted with a presentation on "Social and migration-specific inequalities in the transition from primary to secondary school: The role of knowledge about the education system" (Olczyk/Glinka).
"Should I do a vocational training course?"
01.12.2023: A new study uses ReGES data to examine the significance of time horizons, experiences of discrimination and the family situation for the vocational training goals of young refugees. Busse, Robin, Oliver Winkler. 2024. "Should I do an apprenticeship?" Decision-making calculations for vocational education among refugee students. In: Migration and education in the globalized world. Perspectives, challenges and opportunities in the migration society, Jonas Scharfenberg, Julia Hufnagl, Mara Spiekenheuer, Amani Kroner (eds.), [in print]. Münster: Waxman