Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg



Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Institut für Soziologie

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Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Institut für Soziologie
06099 Halle (Saale)

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Dr. Martin Wetzel (ehem.)

Dr. Martin Wetzel was working at the Institut of Sociology between April 2022 and August 2023. He is now working at the University of Applied Sciences in Kempten.   

2023 - currentProfessor of Gerontology at the University of Applied Sciences Kempten
2022 – 2023Postdoctoral research assistant, at the Institute of Sociology at the MLU Halle
2021 – 2022Visiting professor at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Duisburg-Essen
2016 – 2022Senior Researcher, pairfam study, Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology (ISS) at the University Cologne
2011 - 2016Junior Researcher, German Ageing Survey (DEAS), German Centre of Gerontology (DZA), Berlin
2009 - 2011Junior Researcher, Panel Study „Labour Market and Social Security“(PASS), Institute for Employment
Research (IAB), Nuremberg

Research Areas

  • Life course and social inequality
  • Retirement: Causes and consequences
  • Statistical methods and survey research

Five Most-Recent Publications

M Wetzel, J Wünsche, SM Spuling (2022): Does Retirement Change What Makes Us Satisfied With Life? An Examination of Response Shift With a Matched Control Group Design   . Work, Aging and Retirement. Online first.

M Wetzel, J Wörn, B Hünteler, K Hank (2022): Heterogeneity in Trajectories of Life Satisfaction After Reunification: The Role of Individual Resources and Life Stage in Former East Germany   . Social Indicators Research 159 (3), 1103-1123.

M Wetzel, S König, S Kelfve (2022): Changes in Secondary Healthcare Use Over Retirement Transition: Examining Social Differences With Swedish Register Data   . Frontiers in Sociology.

S König, S Kelfve, A Motel-Klingebiel, M Wetzel (2021): Development of healthcare use across contemporary retirement pathways: results from a register based cohort study   . Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 1403494821998901

M Wetzel, N Schumann, C Schmiedeberg (2021): New weights for the pairfam anchor data   . Pairfam Technical paper 17.

A full list of publications can be found here at ORCID   .


Introduction to Inferential Statistics and Regression Analysis (2 courses, Seminar  BA, Module M3)

alternating with

Descriptive Data Analysis Methods (2 courses, Seminar  BA, Module M2)

Doctoral thesis

Dr. phil., Humboldt-University at Berlin, Title  „Retirement and Intra-Cohort Inequality: The Importance of Education and Last Labor Market Status in the Adjustment to Retirement“ (10/2016)
