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Bildungserwartungen und -entscheidungen von Eltern

Drittmittelgeber: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Laufzeit: 2022-2026

Zielsetzung: Im Zentrum des Teilprojektes steht die Rolle der Eltern bei der Gestaltung lokaler Bildungslandschaften. Dabei wird zum einen die Frage verfolgt, welche Bildungs- und Betreuungsübergänge für Eltern von Grundschulkindern als besonders herausfordernd wahrgenommen werden. Zum Zweiten werden die Bildungsaspirationen, Kognitionen und Handlungsstrategien der Eltern in Hinblick auf die Schulwahlentscheidung untersucht, die in Sachsen-Anhalt in der Regel in der vierten Klasse getroffen wird. Die Zusammenarbeit der Bildungseinrichtungen mit den Eltern wird dabei als eine wichtige Ressource für erfolgreiche Bildungsverläufe gesehen, die bisher sehr unterschiedlich institutionalisiert ist und nicht immer die Zielgruppe erreicht.

ProjektmitarbeiterInnen: Eva Fabian

Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Reinhold Sackmann


Das Projekt ist Teil des Verbundvorhabens „(Neu-)Ordnungen von Bildungslandschaften reflexiv gestalten. Zur riskanten gesellschaftlichen und schulischen Teilhabe von Kindern in peripheren Sozialräumen“. Nähere Informationen zum Projekt erfahren Sie à hier []

Verbundleitung:                                                             Verbundkoordination:

Prof. Dr. Bettina Hünersdorf                                         Dr. Stefanie Schmachtel

Regionale Verzahnung von Leistungen zur beruflichen Teilhabe und Arbeitsförderung (Wissenschafltiche Begleitung)

External funding: Expert team Rehapro, German Pension Insurance

Duration: 2019 - 2024

Research Institute Social Cohesion

External funding: Federal Ministery of Education and Research

Duration: 2018 - 2024

Completed Projects

Choosing a University as Intensifier of Vertical
Differentiation? Comparisons Between Germany and

External funding: German Research Foundation

Duration: 2015 - 2019

Objective: The project examines whether the choice of university contributes to vertical differentiation in the area of higher education. The main hypothesis refers to the perception of consensual reputation systems by potential students who, in the act of choosing a college, subjectively differentiate by its performance. This institutionalisation of vertical differentiation influences elite formation in higher education and a segregation of the social composition of colleges. Vertical differentiation is therefore highly influential on education systems and the social structure of modern societies.


Winkler, Oliver/Sackmann, Reinhold (2020): Degrees of “Eliteness” in Higher-Education Systems: A comparison between Germany and France. In: Higher Education Quarterly 74: 353-372. [   ]

Sackmann Reinhold (2019): Mechanismen der Elitebildung: Theoretisches Konzept und empirische Trends im deutschen Bildungssystem und im internationalen Vergleich. In Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 65. Beiheft, Helsper, Werner/Krüger, Heinz-Hermann (Hg.): Exklusive Bildung und neue Ungleichheit. Ergebnisse der DFG-Forschergruppe „Mechanismen der Elitebildung im deutschen Bildungssystem“. S. 41-60.

Sackmann, Reinhold (2015): Die Bedeutung institutioneller Auswahlprozesse für die Erzeugung von Bildungsungleichheit. In: Helsper, Werner/Krüger, Heinz-Hermann (Hrsg.): Auswahl der Bildungsklientel. Zur Herstellung von Selektivität in „exklusiven“ Bildungsinstitutionen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag. S. 31-67.

Krüger, Heinz-Hermann/Helsper, Werner/Sackmann, Reinhold /Breidenstein, Georg/Bröckling, Ulrich/Kreckel, Reinhard/Mierendorff, Johanna/Stock, Manfred (2012): Mechanismen der Elitebildung im deutschen Bildungssystem – Ausgangslage, Forschungstand und –perspektiven. In Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 15(2): 327-343.

Project executor: Oliver Winkler

Contact: Professor Reinhold Sackmann

Early Career Mobility and Social Mobility in the Process of Systemic Transformation. A Comparison of East Germany and Poland

External funding: German Academic Exchange Programme (DAAD), P.R.I.M.E. Programme

Duration: 2016 - 2018

Objective: The project aims to study patterns of early employment career mobility and to relate them to the process of intergenerational mobility. In a comparison of two post-socialist states, Germany and Poland, it focuses on mechanisms sustaining and counterbalancing mobility events in the course of the transition to a market economy. In this way the project attempts to develop a theoretical link between intragenerational and intergenerational mobility, offering a novel approach to studying issues of mobility and social stratification. A research stay at the sociology department of the Polish Science Academy will create favourable conditions for the project to combine the perspective of German life history research with Polish social stratification research in the transformation period allowing it to become an important contribution in the field of social mobility and transformation research.

Project executor: Katarzyna Kopycka

Supervisors: Professor Reinhold Sackmann and the Polish Academy of Sciences

Publication: Kopycka, Katarzyna (2017): The Effect of Social  Origin and Formal Education on First Job in the Process of  Transformation to Market Capitalism: A Cohort Analysis of Data from the  Polish Panel Survey. In: Polish Sociological Review 4(200): 465-483. []   

Contact: Dr Katarzyna Kopycka

Regional Reception Culture for Immigrants in Saxony-Anhalt

External Funding: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and the Federal Labour Office; subcontracted through Saxony-Anhalt’s Network “Integration through Qualifications”    (Coordinated by Caritasverband Bistum Magdeburg)

Duration: 2013–2014

Objective: How do regions in Saxony-Anhalt manage their reception contact to immigrants? In expert interviews with the employees of municipalities, job centres and the authorities, we study how the process chain, from initial contact with the authorities up to the commencement of work, is currently designed. Steps for optimising the process chain are developed in cooperation with networks in the model regions.

Publications: Olga Goldenberg, Reinhold Sackmann, 2014: Arbeitsmarktzugänge von Migranten und ausländischen Fachkräften in ländlichen Regionen : Arbeitspapier zur Arbeitgeberbefragung im Burgenlandkreis, Halle: Universitätsverlag Halle.

Goldenberg, Olga, Sackmann, Reinhold, 2014: Interorganisationelle Unterstützung der beruflichen Integration von (Neu)Zuwanderern in urbanen und ländlichen Regionen. Erfolgsfaktoren der Prozesskettengestaltung in Halle (Saale) und dem Burgenlandkreis. Halle: Institut für Soziologie (Der hallesche Graureiher 2014-2).

Sackmann, Reinhold, 2015: Willkommenskultur in Ostdeutschland. In: Schrader, Irmhild u.a. (Hrsg.): Vielheit und Einheit im neuen Deutschland: Leerstellen in Migrationsforschung und Erinnerungspolitik. Frankfurt/M.: Brandes 6 Apsel. S. 30-44.

Project executor: Olga Goldenberg

Project leader: Reinhold Sackmann

Contact: Olga Goldenberg

Managed Change of the Educational System in Shrinking Regions

External Funding: State of Saxony-Anhalt, subcontracted through WZW Wissenschaftszentrum Sachsen-Anhalt    (platform of experts on demographic change)

Duration: 2010–2013

Publications: Bartl, Walter (2012): Die demographische Reagibilität regionaler Hochschulsysteme: Eine Sekundärdatenanalyse am Beispiel von Sachsen-Anhalt. In: Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung 34, 4, S.78–106.

Bartl, Walter (2012): Die Relevanz des demographischen Wandels für regionale Bildungssysteme: das Beispiel Sachsen-Anhalt. In: Friedrich, Klaus/Pasternack, Peer (Hrsg.): Demographischer Wandel als Querschnittsaufgabe. Halle. S.197–214.

Walter Bartl, 2012: Entdifferenzierung der regionalen Schulstruktur in Deutschland durch demografischen Wandel? Der Hallesche Graureiher 2012,3. Forschungsberichte des Instituts für Soziologie. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. (636 KB)

Objective: How does the education system in Saxony-Anhalt react to demographic change? Based on secondary data analyses, an approach using differentiation theory is used to study how organisations deal with a decreasing population at different levels of the education system.

Project executor: Dr Walter Bartl

Contact: Dr Walter Bartl

Specific Education Decisions

External Funding: Own project

Duration: 2011-2013

Publications: Jörg Eulenberger, Reinhold Sackmann, Oliver Winkler, 2012: Reputation und Besonderung als Dokumente von Elitebildungsprozessen: Explorative Experteninterviews zu deutschen Bildungsstufen. Der Hallesche Graureiher 2012,6. Forschungsberichte des Instituts für Soziologie. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. (1,1 MB)

Jörg Eulenberger, Katarzyna Kopycka, Christoph Schubert, Reinhold Sackmann, 2012: Elterliche Einrichtungswahl 2010: Online-Befragungen als Möglichkeit der Untersuchung von Bildungsentscheidungen. Der Hallesche Graureiher 2012,5. Forschungsberichte des Instituts für Soziologie. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. (2,5 MB)

Sackmann, Reinhold/ Ketzmerick, Thomas (2010): Differenzierungsdynamik und Ungleichheit in der Mitte der Gesellschaft. In: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 36 (1): 109–129.

Objective: Why do education systems differentiate? In this basic theory project, secondary data analyses, expert interviews and quantitative parent surveys are used to study the extent to which differentiation mechanisms are able to explain the structural formation processes of educational systems.

Project executors: Dr Jörg Eulenberger, Dr Katarzyna Kopycka, Oliver Winkler

Contact: Prof Dr Reinhold Sackmann

Development Potentials in the Silberhöhe

External Funding: Forum Silberhöhe und Hallesche Wohnungsgenossenschaft “Freiheit” eG

Duration: 2013

Objective: How can development potentials be discovered and fostered in a hitherto disadvantaged neighbourhood? Based on secondary analyses, group discussions and interviews with key neighbourhood figures, a development concept is created using the approach of “neighbourhood branding”. With respect to long-term potentials, interesting aspects include unique selling points, opening the neighbourhood to adjacent neighbourhoods, connecting it to the city and the guiding principle of the integrated urban development concept, networking, and supporting neighbourhood activities.

Project executor: Dr Rosemarie Sackmann

Contact: Prof Dr Reinhold Sackmann

Publication: Sackmann, Rosemarie/ Sackmann, Reinhold (2014):Waldstadt Silberhöhe. Bericht zur aktuellen Situation und zu Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten einer ostdeutschen Großwohnsiedlung in Halle (Saale). Halle: Institut für Soziologie (Der Hallesche Graureiher 2014-1).

Citizens’ Conferences on the Urban Development Concept

External Funding: City of Halle

Duration: 2013–2014

Objective: How can citizen involvement in the 2025 Urban Development Concept (ISEK) be improved? Citizen involvement in the development of the concept for Halle and Saxony-Anhalt is already being systematically advanced in an innovative way. After a broad and open procurement of citizens through the 2012 Citizen Survey and a press call, an intensive participation process is presented in four full-day conferences that examine the urban centre. During the first session (28/9/2013) the topics and concerns of the citizens are pooled and conveyed as questions to the city administration. During the second session (16/11/2013) the responses by the city administration and other experts are scrutinised by the citizens and issues are defined. During the third round (7/12/2013) the city’s interest groups (companies, associations, citizen initiatives etc.) are consulted in order to jointly assess and further develop the suggestions. During the final conference (25/1/2014) the concerns are summarised in a citizens’ appraisal and publicly handed over to the city. The politically elected representatives of the citizens, in the form of city council members, are involved in all steps.

Project executors: Professor Rosemarie Sackmann; Karoline Haufe; Mirjam Sorge; Leonhard von Schuckmann

Contact: Professor Reinhold Sackmann

Publications: Citizens’ Conference “Innere Stadt” from 25 January 2014    

Demographic Change – a Particular Challenge for Municipalities in Germany and Poland

External Funding: The German-Polish Science Foundation (DPWS); Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation (SPDZ)

Duration: 2010–2012

In cooperation with the Poznań University of Economics and Business (Professor Elżbieta Gołata)

Publications: Jonda, Bernadette (2010): Praca i rodzina w kontekście demograficznej i finansowej sytuacji niemieckich gmin i miast. [Arbeit und Familie im Kontext der demographischen und finanziellen Situation der deutschen Gemeinden und Städten] In: Swadźba, Urszula/Budzyńska, Ewa (Hg.): Rodzina i praca: między tradycją a współczesnością. Katowice: Uniwersytet Ślaski, S. 124–132.

Jonda, Bernadette (2011): Sytuacja pracowników administracji gminnych wobec zmieniajacych sie wymagań : Wybrane wyniki z badań porównawczych polskich i niemieckich urzedach gminnych. [Die Situation von Mitarbeitern in kommunalen Verwaltungen angesichts der sich ändernden Anforderungen: Ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer vergleichenden Studie in polnischen und deutschen Kommunen] In: Gableta, Małgorzata/Pietroń-Pyszczek, Agata (Hg.): Człowiek i praca w zmieniającej się organizacji: w kierunku respektowania interesów pracobiorców. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, S. 48–57.

Jonda, Bernadette (2012): Zwischen Resignation und Kreativität – Bürgermeister in deutschen Kommunen im Umgang mit aktuellen Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels. In: Maretzke, Steffen (Hg.): Schrumpfend, alternd, bunter? Antworten auf den demographischen Wandel   . In: DGD-Online-Publikation 01/2012. Hrsg.: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Demographie e.V. (DGD), Bonn, Februar 2012. S. 94–106.

Objective: How do municipalities in Germany and Poland react to demographic change? A survey of mayors, human resource managers and those responsible for social affairs in 382 German districts (222 in West Germany and 160 in East Germany) and in 178 Polish Gminy (Polish districts) is used to identify the differences and similarities in the perception and reaction to demographic change.

Project executor: Dr Bernadette Jonda

Contact: Dr Bernadette Jonda

Demographic Change and the Public Sector Labour Market

External Funding: German Research Foundation, Collaborative Research Centre 580

Duration: 2006–2008

Publications include: Bartl, Walter (2011): Personalpolitik in schrumpfenden Kommunen. VS Verlag

Kopycka, Katarzyna (2013): Demografischer Wandel, Bildungspolitik und Lehrerbeschäftigung. Springer VS Verlag

Rademacher, Christian (2013): Deutsche Kommunen im Demographischen Wandel. Springer VS Verlag. [Ausgezeichnet mit dem „Allianz Nachwuchspreis für Demografie“, Sonderpreis für anwendungsorientierte Demografie, der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Demografie 2013].

Sackmann, Reinhold (2010): Institutional responses to social change in comparative perspective: Germany and Poland. In: Silbereisen, Rainer K./ Chen, Xinyin (Hrsg.): Social Change and Human Development: Concepts and Results. London: Sage. S. 167–189.

Objective: How do municipalities in Germany and Poland react to demographic change in their human resource policy? A coping theory for demographic change is developed based on more than 100 expert interviews in Germany and Poland.

Project executor: Dr Walter Bartl, Dr Bernadette Jonda, Dr Katarzyna Kopycka, Dominika Pawleta, Dr Christian Rademacher, Maria Reinhold.

Contact: Professor Reinhold Sackmann

Citizens’ Survey for Halle 2012/13

External funding: City of Halle

Duration: 2012–2013

Publication: Harm, Katrin/ Jaeck, Tobias (2013): Bürgerumfrage Halle 2012. Der Hallesche Graureiher 2013,2. Forschungsberichte des Instituts für Soziologie. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. 1302.pdf (4,0 MB)

Objective: How does a large East German city react to demographic change? Since 1993 the Institute of Sociology has been conducting citizens’ surveys which enable time-series comparisons. The surveys focus on describing the housing situation, migration movements and assessing municipal tasks. The analysis of the 11th representative survey (2,929 people surveyed) brings into focus questions on citizen involvement in the 2025 Urban Development Concept, access to the internet, openness to immigration, and the shifting of the social structure due to a slight increase in population in recent years.

Project executors: Katrin Harm; Tobias Jaeck

Contact: Prof Dr Reinhold Sackmann

CE Ageing Strategy

External funding: the European Union, subcontracted through the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the State of Saxony-Anhalt

Duration: 2012

Publications: CE-Ageing platform (Hrsg.) (2013): Green Paper Central European Ageing Strategy    
Objective: How should regions in Central Europe react to demographic ageing? A strategy paper was developed as part of a multi-step consultation process with scientific, political and civil society actors, which should highlight prospects until 2050.

Project executor: Reinhold Sackmann

Contact: Prof Dr Reinhold Sackmann

Freshmen Survey, Higher Education Pact 2020

External funding: University of Halle, Prorectorate for Studies and Teaching

Duration: 2009

Publications: Walter Bartl, with assistance from Christoph Korb, 2009: Ost‐West‐Unterschiede bei der Studien- und Hochschulwahl : Ergebnisse der Studienanfängerbefragung an der Martin‐Luther‐Universität Halle‐Wittenberg (MLU) im Wintersemester 2008/09. Der Hallesche Graureiher 2009,1. Forschungsberichte des Instituts für Soziologie. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. (530 KB)

Objective: What are the motivations of West and East Germans when deciding to study in Halle? An online survey questioned 788 freshmen at the University of Halle. The background of this study is the Higher Education Pact 2020, a political reaction to demographic change which bestows a lower student potential on East German states. The Higher Education Pact aims to retain study place capacities that become available in East Germany so that excess demand in West Germany can be met. Therefore, the analysis particularly focuses on east-west differences that play a role in selecting universities and in identifying with the location of the university.

Project executor: Dr Walter Bartl

Contact: Walter Bartl

Citizens’ Survey for Halle 2009

External funding: City of Halle

Duration: 2009–2010

Publications: Katrin Harm, Tobias Jaeck, Alexander Naß, Reinhold Sackmann, 2010: Bürgerumfrage Halle 2009. Der Hallesche Graureiher 2010,1. Forschungsberichte des Instituts für Soziologie. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. (2,66 MB)

Objective: How does a large city change during a transformation process? Since 1993 the Institute of Sociology has been conducting citizens’ surveys which enable time-series comparisons. The surveys focus on describing the housing situation, migration movements and assessing municipal tasks. Important changes in satisfaction with the city and/or the living conditions in the city were identified. The analysis of the 10th representative survey (2,925 people surveyed) concentrates on the identification of longer-standing trends in the development of municipal neighbourhoods.

Project executor: Tobias Jaeck; Katrin Harm

Contact: Professor Reinhold Sackmann

Sociology in School

External funding: Robert Bosch Foundation, (Joint Project Denkwerk: Herausforderung Mensch)

Duration: 2007–2008

Publications: Bartl, Walter/ May, Michael/ Sackmann, Reinhold (2011): Begabtenförderung im Fach Sozialkunde. In Lange, Dirk (Hrsg.): Entgrenzungen. Gesellschaftlicher Wandel und Politische Bildung. Schwalbach: Wochenschau Wissenschaft. S. 356–361.

Objective: How can sociological research methods be taught in school? Research seminars dealing with urban sociology were conducted with students in grades 10 – 12 in cooperation with schools in Halle. Furthermore, a correspondence circle for students who are especially gifted in social studies was developed in cooperation with social studies teachers for all schools in Saxony-Anhalt and several schools in Lower Saxony.

Project executor: Dr Walter Bartl

Contact: Walter Bartl
