Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht
phone: +49 345 552-3222
room Juridicum 1.21
Universitätsplatz 3 - 5
06108 Halle
Prof. Dr. Winfried Kluth
Principle investigator
Prof. Dr Winfried Kluth holds a chair in public law at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. He was a judge at the Constitutional Court of Saxony-Anhalt from 2000 to 2014. He is the managing director of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Institution Cooperative and Cooperation Research, head of the Research Unit Migration Law (FoMig) and the Research Unit Chamber Law (FoKa) as well as co-director of the Research Unit Innovative Kommunale Daseinsvorsorge (FINKO) at the University of Halle. Prof. Kluth is also vice-chairman of the German Society for Legislation and a member of the advisory board of the FORUM RECHT foundation.
That is why I am interested in social cohesion
Through research on migration, integration, municipal services of general interest and cooperative law, I look at the issue of social cohesion from the perspective of different but corresponding points of view. This gives central attention to the cooperative idea, which also underlies municipal self-government. The sub-project on infrastructure cooperatives brings together the different perspectives and develops a guiding concept for sustainable citizen participation.
New instruments for civic participation: Infrastructure cooperatives
Publications (Selection)
- Kluth, Winfried/ Smeddinck, Ulrich (2019) (Hrsg.): Bürgerpartizipation - neu gedacht, Halle: Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg.
- Kluth, Winfried (2019): Der Beitrag von Infrastrukturgenossenschaften zur Daseinsvorsorge. In: ZfgG 69: 2. S. 117-132.
- Kluth, Winfried (2019): Infrastrukturgenossenschaften als Instrument nachhaltiger Bürgerpartizipation. In: Beaucamp, Guy/ Schubert, Mathias/ Schlacke, Sabine (Hrsg): Infrastruktur-Recht, Berlin, S. 71-82.
- Kluth, Winfried (2018): Die Bedeutung von Infrastrukturgenossenschaften für die kommunale Daseinsvorsorge, in: Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen 41: 3, S. 241 ff.
- Kluth, Winfried (2017) (Hrsg.): Infrastrukturgenossenschaften, Halle: Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg.