Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Gruppenbild FGZ Halle Phase II

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Dr. Tomasz Masłyk

Associated Researcher


I work at the AGH University of Science and Technology in the Department of Society and Technology Studies. My research interests relate to social capital, generalized and institutional trust, civil society, and disability.

Was interessiert mich am Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt

I am a member of the research team (led by dr Tomasz Piróg) at AGH University of Science and Technology, working on the project "Local social cohesion in Poland and Germany - a pilot study"(funded by DPWS ). The project is carried out in cooperation with prof. Reinhold Sackmann and dr Jakob Hartl from the University of Halle.


Regional Panel: Migration and Cohesion

Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Tomasz Masłyk, 2022, Rosja i Ukraina – zaufanie instytucjonalne w kontekście społecznych ocen jakości działania instytucji państwa: podobieństwa i różnice (Russia and Ukraine – institutional trust in the context of social evaluations of the quality of the performance of state institutions : similarities and differences), Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, no. 3, p. 27-60.
  • Wioletta Knapik, Magdalena Kowalska, Tomasz Masłyk, Danka Moravčíková, 2022, The European Union social policy on older people in the light of the deinstitutionalisation of social services : a concept of care farming in rural Poland. Göttingen : Brill V&R unipress.
  • Tomasz Masłyk, 2021, Uogólnione zaufanie i jego instytucjonalne korelaty. Kontekst europejski (Generalized trust and its institutional correlates : the European context), Studia Socjologiczne, no. 3, p. 5-36.
  • Tomasz Masłyk, Tomasz Piróg, 2020, Attitudes towards the welfare state and associational involvement in Europe. Comparative analysis, Polish Sociological Review, no. 4, p. 445-460
