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Ina Mayer
Project member
I'm a scientific researcher at the Research Institute Social Cohesion in Halle (Saale). I studied sociology and educational science at Martin-Luther-University Halle and Vienna University. The focus of my studies was quantitative and qualitative research and analysis methods. My area of interest are (spatial) inequality studies and the Sociology of Space.
That is why I am interested in social cohesion
I study the material conditions of social cohesion, for example, how the availability, quality, and satisfaction of and with infrastructures in the residential environment are linked to local cohesion. Furthermore, my interest in social cohesion focuses on how it is discussed in the public discourse, what kind of value is attributed to it and the consequences these discourses have for society.
Research project
Regional Panel: Migration and Social Cohesion
Sackmann, Reinhold, und Ina Mayer. 2023 (i.E.): Raummuster sozialen Zusammenhalts in Deutschland, in: Sackmann, Reinhold; Dirksmeier, Peter; Rees, Jonas; Vogel, Berthold (Hrsg.): Sozialer Zusammenhalt vor Ort. Analysen regionaler Mechanismen. Frankfurt/Main: Campus.