Prof. Dr. Cathleen Grunert
phone: +49-345-55 23850
room 1.14 (Haus 3)
Franckeplatz 1
06110 Halle (Saale)
Prof. Dr. Cathleen Grunert
Principle investigator
- Since 2023: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Youth Institute
- Since April 2020: Professor of Educational Science with a focus on sociocultural conditions of education and upbringing at MLU Halle-Wittenberg
- 2019-2020: Member of the Expert Commission for the 3rd Engagement Report of the German Federal Government
- 2015-2020: Professor of General Educational Science at the FernUniversität in Hagen
- 2014-2017: Member of the Expert Commission for the 15th Children and Youth Report of the German Federal Government
- 2011: Habilitation – Venia legendi in Educational Science
- 2008-2015: Head of the Research Unit "Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods in Educational Science" at MLU Halle-Wittenberg
- 1998: Doctorate on student biographies in the East German transformation process
- 1995: Diploma in Educational Science
What interests me about social cohesion?
As a youth researcher, it is important to me to examine the different trajectories and conditions of growing into a society and to consider how children and young people navigate and relate to the contradictory spaces of social positioning (e.g., family, peers, school, public spaces). My focus is on the opportunities for social participation and positioning available to young people in the context of difference and social inequality—whether in terms of social or ethnic background, region, gender, age, or disability—and on the ways in which they actively contribute to shaping these opportunities themselves.
Research Project
D_04: Youth as the "Generation of Crisis"? Socialization in Conflicts and Transformations
Publications (Selection)
- Grunert, Cathleen (2022). „tiny acts of participation“ – Zum Wandel politischer Partizipationsformen Jugendlicher in der (post-)digitalen Gesellschaft. In: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 67, Nr. 1: 73-94. doi.org/10.3262/ZP2201073
- Krüger, Heinz-Hermann, Cathleen Grunert, Katja Ludwig, Helena Heimbürge und Johanna Schultheiß (2023). Zwischen Karnevalsverein, Social Media, Partei und Familie – Zur biografischen Einbettung politischer Orientierungen von Jugendlichen. In: Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung 18, Nr. 1: 51-72. doi.org/10.3224/diskurs.v18i1.04
- Grunert, Cathleen und Katja Ludwig (2023). Jugendbeteiligung in peripher(isiert)en ländlichen Regionen – zur Verschränkung von Jugend- und Raumkonstruktionen in den Partizipationsperspektiven kommunaler Entscheidungsträger. In: Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung 18, Nr. 2: 183-200. doi.org/10.3224/diskurs.v18i2.04
- Grunert, Cathleen und Katja Ludwig. 2023. „Weil es oft Buskinder sind“ – kulturelle Teilhabe und Jugendarbeit in peripher(isiert)en ländlichen Regionen im Spannungsfeld differenter Regionalisierungsstrategien. In: Soziale Passagen 15, 111–129. doi: 10.1007/s12592-023-00446-8
- Grunert, Cathleen, Werner Helsper, Merle Hummrich und Nicolle Pfaff (2024). Brauchen wir einen (neuen) Jugendbegriff? Ein bilanzierender Problemaufriss. In: Cathleen Grunert, Werner Helsper, Merle Hummrich und Nicolle Pfaff (Hrsg.). Jugend(en). 70. Beiheft der Zeitschrift für Pädagogik (S. 269-293). Weinheim, Basel: Beltz Juventa.